Goofing Off – (and a bit about spam!)

NASA Image of the Day of Spaceship, earth, and a cartoon cat
NASA image of the day – with a little extra cat.


I’ve been goofing off today in the studio.  I have two new little watercolour paintings on the go, and was hit by a hankering to do some digital work in Clip Studio.  Clip Studio Paint is a programme I heartily recommend – it’s a very intuitive and powerful tool for digital work (and has a great price point, to boot!) I went onto NASA’s Image of the Day site, thinking I would add Martians to some Mars Rover images.  But, I couldn’t resist letting my cat go on a space walk.  There may be Martians in the future……..

In other news, I’ve had to shut down the comments on my blog at the moment.  I opened them up a few weeks ago, not really knowing what to expect.  Well, last Friday I had almost 2,000 spam comments (the best of which was an offer of a free piano.)  So until further notice, no more comments!

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